Paul Keres (1916–1975) var ein estisk sjakkspelar, stormeister i sjakk og ein av dei sterkeste spelarane som aldri vart verdsmeister i sjakk.

Av Keres

Teke frå Remembering Paul Keres, Chessbase, 3-6-2003
Opphavleg tekst:
«I was unlucky, like my country.»

Opphav: Paul Keres
Kontekst: Den estiske sjakkspelaren Keres om kvifor han aldri vart verdsmeister.
«Eg var uheldig, som landet mitt.»
Paul Keres på eit sovjetisk frimerke.


«Eg var uheldig, som landet mitt.»

Opphavleg tekst:

«No, it was a true Estonian game.»

Opphav: Paul Keres

År: 1954
Kontekst: At Amsterdam in 1954 he scored 96.4% on fourth board and won another game so brilliant against Jaroslav Šajtar of Czechoslovakia that the Soviet non-playing captain, Kotov, told to me that it was 'a true Soviet game.' I told this to Keres who, with the nearest approach to acerbity I ever saw him show, said: 'No, it was a true Estonian game.' – Stormeister Harry Golombek.

«Nei, det var eit ekte estisk spel.»
Paul Keres på eit sovjetisk frimerke.


«Nei, det var eit ekte estisk spel.»

Om Keres

Teke frå Great Chess Upsets, av Samuel Reshevsky, Arco Publishing, New York 1976, s. 185.
Opphavleg tekst:
«Well, I believe that Keres failed in this respect because he lacked the killer instinct. He was too mild a person to give his all in order to defeat his opponents. He took everything, including his chess, philosophically. Keres is one of the nicest people that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. With his friendly and sincere smile, he makes friends easily. He is goodnatured and kind. Yes, he loves chess, but being a human being is his first consideration. In addition to chess, Keres is interested in tennis, Ping-Pong, swimming, and bridge

Opphav: Samuel Reshevsky

Kjelde:Great Chess Upsets (bok)
År: 1976
Kontekst: Stormeister Samuel Reshevsky skreiv rosande om Keres sitt talent og vennlege personlegdom, og forsøkte å forklare kvifor Keres aldri vart verdsmeister:

Paul Keres
«Ja, han liker sjakk, men å vera eit menneske er det viktigaste for han.»
Paul Keres på eit sovjetisk frimerke.


«Ja, han liker sjakk, men å vera eit menneske er det viktigaste for han.»   Samuel Reshevsky

Opphavleg tekst:

«At the Warsaw team tournament in 1935, the most surprising discovery was a gangling, shy, 19-year-old Estonian. Some had never heard of his country before, nobody had ever heard of Keres. But his play at top board was a wonder to behold. Not merely because he performed creditably in his first serious encounters with the world's greatest; others have done that too. It was his originality, verve, and brilliance which astounded and delighted the chess world." – Stormeister Reuben Fine

Opphav: Reuben Fine
Kontekst: Stormeister Reuben Fine.
Paul Keres
«Nokre hadde ikkje høyrd om landet hans før, ingen hadde høyrd om Keres.»


«Nokre hadde ikkje høyrd om landet hans før, ingen hadde høyrd om Keres.»   Reuben Fine

Opphavleg tekst:
«I loved Paul Petrovitch with a kind of special, filial feeling. Honesty, correctness, discipline, diligence, astonishing modesty – these were the characteristics that caught the eye of the people who came into contact with Keres during his lifetime. But there was also something mysterious about him. I had an acute feeling that Keres was carrying some kind of a heavy burden all through his life. Now I understand that this burden was the infinite love for the land of his ancestors, an attempt to endure all the ordeals, to have full responsibility for his every step. I have never met a person with an equal sense of responsibility. This man with internally free and independent character was at the same time a very well disciplined person. Back then I did not realise that it is discipline that largely determines internal freedom. For me, Paul Keres was the last Mohican, the carrier of the best traditions of classical chess and – if I could put it this way – the Pope of chess. Why did he not become the champion? I know it from personal experience that in order to reach the top, a person is thinking solely of the goal, he has to forget everything else in this world, toss aside everything unnecessary – or else you are doomed. How could Keres forget everything else?»

Opphav: Boris Spasskij
Kontekst: Tidlegare verdsmeister i sjakk Boris Spasskij i memoara sine.
Paul Keres
den siste mohikanaren
«For meg var Paul Keres den siste mohikanaren, beraren av dei beste tradisjonane i klassisk sjakk og, om eg kan seia det slik, paven av sjakk.»


«For meg var Paul Keres den siste mohikanaren, beraren av dei beste tradisjonane i klassisk sjakk og, om eg kan seia det slik, paven av sjakk.»   Boris Spasskij